How to protect yourself from bank fraud
Essential best practices & top tips for keeping your money safe

Protecting yourself from banking fraud is not difficult if you follow recommended best practices from industry experts. So, we are sharing below our six essential best practices and top tips, which will keep your money safe in your account!
1. Change passwords periodically. Cybersecurity experts advise changing them every three months. If you suspect that someone may have access to your account, change the password immediately. You can use a password generator to create and save your password.
2. Use a strong password. Don’t use a memorable password, such as one which has your birthday, name – or even the word password! (yes, it does happen….). A strong password contains a mix of special characters, numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters. It’s also important not to share your passwords.
3. Be careful about public Wi-Fi networks. If you stay at a hotel, eat in a café or restaurant – or even browse on your phone in a railway station – it’s likely there will be a public Wi-Fi network. Be wary though, as they can often be unsecure and vulnerable to hackers. Only use Wi-Fi networks you know are secure; especially for financial transactions.
4. Enable multi-factor authentication. Banks such as AXA Bank use these to ensure that only the client can access their account, by sending a code to an authorised device. Use this system whenever you can.
5. Verify the identity of any callers. If you receive a call, make sure that the person you are speaking to is who they say they are. If you are unsure say you will call them back and look up the number yourself, do not take a number from the caller. Cyber hackers use increasingly sophisticated methods to trick people, persuading them to share valuable information about their bank accounts. Never give your password to someone on the telephone. If in doubt, never share any information and hang up.
6. Report any suspected fraud immediately. Contact your bank if you are concerned that you may have experienced fraud. If the value of the fraud exceeds 500€ you can report it using the French government Perceval system or go to the police station.
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