Au revoir to green cards: French car insurance goes digital

From 1 April, drivers in France will no longer need to display the vignette in car windows

21 Mar 2024

Since 1986, the green card – carte verte – has been a familiar sight on vehicles as proof of valid insurance. However, from the beginning of April, this legal requirement ends as France switches to a digital system of monitoring insurance compliance. Until now, a failure to show the certificate – often also referred to as the papillon vert – resulted in a 35€ fine.

How will the police check for proof of insurance?

Drivers no longer have to show their paper insurance certificate if the police stop them. French authorities can now verify car insurance instantly by checking the vehicle’s licence plate against the Fichier des Véhicules Assurés (FVA), a national database containing all French car insurance information since 2019.

If you change your vehicle, what confirmation of insurance will insurers provide?

Since insurance details can take up to 72 hours to update in the FVA system, insurers will provide drivers with a temporary document called a Mémo Véhicule Assuré. This will serve as proof of insurance, containing key information, for example the policy number. You should keep it in the vehicle at all times.

What happens if authorities pull over your car and classify it as uninsured?

If the FVA system mistakenly lists your vehicle as uninsured, don’t worry! You have 45 days to appeal the decision. You can do this online or by post to the French agency responsible for driving infringements – ANTAI.

What are the benefits of this change?

Uninsured individuals are currently driving approximately 800,000 vehicles in France. Authorities hope that digitalisation will reduce the number. Other benefits include saving on printing and paper, saving money and helping the environment through lower CO2 emissions.

Insurance France is the trading name of AXA Marthon. We are an English and French speaking AXA agency, taking care of your insurance so you can enjoy your life in France.

To find out more, please contact us below for a free, no-obligation quotation:

Phone: +33 (0)5 45 70 43 76



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