When do you need insurance for an electric scooter?
Electric scooters are increasingly popular with both adults and children. We find out why and consider the things you need to think about

This summer, it is quite likely that you will have seen a growing number of electric scooters whizzing their way through French streets and parks. These scooters – or trottinettes – are hugely popular with children – and many adults too. In this post, we ask: when do you need insurance for an electric scooter?
What is a trottinette?
Trottinettes are electric scooters. They have gained popularity because they are practical, convenient, eco-friendly, fun – and for many, relatively affordable.
They are not however a new invention; the first electric scooter hit the roads back in 1915 in the United States.
What speed can a trottinette go?
The average speed of a trottinette is up to around 25 – 30 km/ph. Scooters have been known though to reach speeds of 160 km/ph….
What age do you have to be to use one?
In France, the highway code states that you must be at least 12 years of age to use a trottinette; this contrasts significantly with the UK which allows children from the age of 8 to operate one.
Are there any other legal requirements?
When using a trottinette, you cannot go faster than 25 km/ph – or otherwise you may face a 1,500€ fine!
There are a few other considerations:
- You must wear a helmet and high visibility clothing
- The use of headphones and mobile phones are not permitted
- You cannot travel with another person on the scooter
- Where a cycle lane is available, you should use them
Do you need insurance to ride one?
Yes! Anyone using a trottinette must be insured – for civil liability at the very least. The principal rider must also be named on the policy.
How to find out more
If you would like to obtain a quotation for insuring your trottinette – or any other vehicle – please get in touch. We will need the purchase invoice to provide you with a quote.
Phone: +33 (0)5 45 70 43 76
Email: agence.atkins@axa.fr
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