Insurance France

Business Products

We cover businesses for a wide range of different risks. 

Business Products

  • Income Protection
    In the event of an accident or illness which prevents you from working for a period of time, income protection provides you with an income until you return to work.
  • Professional Multi-risk Policies
    Covers all types of risks including damage to your machinery, plant, contents, and business interruption. We can even cover cyber-related risks, e.g. data theft.
  • Ten-year Guarantee Liability
    Insurance protecting business owners in building, construction and property related trades for a period of 10 years following the completion of works.
  • Legal Liabilities
    Protects business owners if held responsible for their legal liabilities.
  • Business Property
    If you own or rent a property, we can protect your buildings, equipment and contents from risks such as fire, water damage or theft.

Please contact us today for a free no obligation quote. With us, you are in good hands.

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